External Media
If you or a loved one is going through a challenging time, please take a look at this page to see if there is something that might be of help to you, a friend, or a family member.
Romantic Relationships
TED Talk by Brene Brown
"Brené Brown studies human connection -- our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. A talk to share."
TED talk by Esther Perel
So, why does good sex so often fade, even for couples who continue to love each other as much as ever? And why does good intimacy not guarantee good sex, contrary to popular belief? Or, the next question would be, can we want what we already have?That's the million-dollar question, right? And why is the forbidden so erotic? What is it about transgression that makes desire so potent? And why does sex make babies, and babies spell erotic disaster in couples?
this is water by David Foster Wallace
This Is Water: Some Thoughts, Delivered on a Significant Occasion, about Living a Compassionate Life is an essay by David Foster Wallace first published in book form. The text originates from a commencement speech featured here which was given by Wallace at Kenyon College on May 21, 2005. His conversation provides perspective for considering other stories rather than our default which is often criticial and unhelpful.
Why Relationships Fail - Terry Real
Why relationships fail is multifaceted. Nowadays, women ask for more levels of intimacy and men have not been raised to deliver increased intimacy in their relationships thus the crux for why many women are unhappy in their relationships. Terry Real, a couples therapist, who has mastered why relationships fail, shares how women can have a firm loving voice, and how men can become empathetic listeners.
Addiction in Families
TED Talk by Johann Hari
What really causes addiction -- to everything from cocaine to smart-phones? And how can we overcome it? Johann Hari has seen our current methods fail firsthand, as he has watched loved ones struggle to manage their addictions. He started to wonder why we treat addicts the way we do -- and if there might be a better way. As he shares in this deeply personal talk, his questions took him around the world, and unearthed some surprising and hopeful ways of thinking about an age-old problem.
Pleasure Unwoven by Dr. Kevin McCauley
Dr. Kevin McCauley asks the question, "Is addiction really a disease?" Dr. McCauley discusses the importance of this question in this trailer where introduces viewers to the concepts that are further covered in his film.
Online Family Recovery Education
Addiction is a family disease. Recovery requires healing from the whole family. This course created by Dr. Patrick Fehling, an addictions psychiatrist and leacturer at University of Colorado – CeDAR. It features 30 daily sessions dedicated to family healing. Each session focuses on different themes for a fulfilling family recovery. The course begins with concepts of basic addiction education which include the epidemiology behind addiction as a chronic disease process, data around neuroscience and functional patterns of addiction, and information about levels of addiction care.
Al-Anon members are people, just like you, who are worried about someone with a drinking or drug problem. There are several groups who meet across Colorado and attendance at meetings is free.
Support Program for Children 7-12
Alcoholism and other drug addiction is a family disease, which is why the whole family needs help and support. The Betty Ford Children's Program helps kids ages 7-12 who grow up in families impacted by addiction.
Life and Career
TED Talk by Economics Professor Larry Smith
"In this funny and blunt talk, Larry Smith pulls no punches when he calls out the absurd excuses people invent when they fail to pursue their passions."
TED Talk by Simon Sinek
"Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership -- starting with a golden circle and the question "Why?" His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers..."
Love What You Do | Snowmobiling Motivation
Motivational career speech paired with awesome snow mobiling.
The Magic of Thinking Big
Millions of readers have acquired the secrets of success through The Magic of Thinking Big. Achieve everything you always wanted: financial security, power and influence, the ideal job, satisfying relationships, and a rewarding, happy life.
Clifton Strengths 2.0 Assessment
StrengthsFinder 2.0, Amazon's bestselling nonfiction book of all time, will change the way you look at yourself - and the world around you. Do you have the opportunity to use your strengths every day? Chances are, you don't. All too often, our natural talents go untapped. Gallup finds that people who use their strengths are three times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life. StrengthsFinder 2.0 is loaded with hundreds of strategies for applying your strengths and includes access to the CliftonStrengths assessment and to personalized reports and tools to learn more about your strengths.
TED Talk by Neuropsychologist Dr. Rick Hanson
Hardwiring Happiness : The Hidden Power of Everyday Experiences on the Modern Brain. How to overcome the Brain's Negativity Bias.
TED Talk by Shawn Achor
"We believe we should work hard in order to be happy, but could we be thinking about things backwards? In this fast-moving and very funny talk, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that, actually, happiness inspires us to be more productive."
The Subtle Art of Not Giving A...
Author Mark Mason states, "in my life, I have given a fuck about many people and many things. I have also not given a fuck about many people and many things. And those fucks I have not given have made all the difference."
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It’s All Small Stuff by Richard Carlson
This groundbreaking inspirational guide--a classic in the self-help genre--shows you how to put challenges in perspective, reduce stress and anxiety through small daily changes, and find the path to achieving your goals. Among the insights it reveals are how to:
Think of your problems as potential "teachers"
Do one thing at a time
Share glory with others
Learn to trust your intuitions